In each game, the stadium Kanjuruhan, the average recorded since the stadium stood, the number of those who watched between 28 thousand to 33 thousand people. While ideally the capacity of the stadium 45 thousand spectators. On several occasions, Aremania record more than 50 thousand people crowded the stadium Kanjuruhan. Year 2004, when the inauguration which was attended Stadium Kanjuruhan President Megawati Sukarnoputri, an estimated more than 80 thousand Aremania packed into the stadium, located in District Kepanjen Malang. Similarly, on July 13, 2005, when Arema entertain Persija Jakarta, more than 60 thousand Aremania 'master' Kanjuruhan Stadium.
On May 28, 2006, more than 60 thousand Aremania watch the game vs. Persib Arema Malang Bandung (3-1), attended by 60 thousand spectators in advanced Laga Main Division Indonesian League XI. In this game the game was delayed 61 minutes into the 2-0 position to excellence Arema Malang due to heavy rain which flushed the game field. The game was continued the next morning, attended by around 20 thousand spectators in the same place. Not to mention that on 25 November 2007 Malang vs Arema Persipura Jayapura Youth career Jayapura (0-0), attended by 75 000 spectators in advanced Laga Main Division Indonesian League XIII.
Although the record is always the biggest audience, Indonesia Arema management efforts to provide comfort, and safety for Aremania, since competition ISL year 2009/2010, organizers, limited number of spectators, to be adjusted with the ideal capacity Kanjuruhan Stadium. The data obtained measurement results panpel on seating capacity at the Stadium Kanjuruhan, for economic tribune of 30 thousand people, VIP 2300, and VVIP 520.