Aremania is a community of fans Arema Indonesia FC (AIFC), Aremania born around the early decades of the 90s. Aremania born from the desire to continue to provide motivation and encouragement for the team nicknamed the pride of citizens of Malang Raya with Singo Edan uphold sportsmanship and fair play. Besides Aremania, AIFC also able to attract the attention of female supporters, they call themselves Aremanita. In various games, Aremania always present, this provides evidence that football can be enjoyed by all people of Malang by providing comfort and security.
Name Singo Edan Aremania with symbols created by some leaders that can unite supporters Aremania Arema. Supporters are encouraged Arema Aremania become pillars of character and sportsmanship. Not only that, they also continue to be creative in supporting good team on the field and in the moment outside of football. They are creative with beautiful movements simultaneously during the game.
Aremania creative ability is without any doubt, since his birth a lot of jargon that can unite the citizens of Malang Raya, such as "Salam Satu Jiwa", means "Greetings One Soul." Salam Satu Jiwa is always echoed in every moment Aremania meeting, or AIFC team. Especially for the team, this is a greeting at each meeting shall also start the match. Besides Salam One Soul, there is also the legendary slogan, "Arema Tidak Kemana-mana, Tapi Ada di Mana-mana", means "Where do Arema Not, But There's at Everywhere", a slogan that give meaning, that not only are Aremania support or those who live in Malang Raya, but also the entire throughout Indonesia, including the world.